Last weekend I had a chance to be part of an amazing experience with 5 other illustrators. We all headed to the shores of Lake Michigan and worked for three days on concepts for Children's books. It was a wonderful chance to get to know a great group of people who love doing the exact same things I love. We talked, ate, worked, critiqued, drew and drew some more. There was alot of laughter, walks to the frozen shores of the lake, and long art talks fireside! One of the things I loved the most about the weekend was the ability to focus on just one thing (my book dummy) the whole time. I felt so productive and the creativity was flowing for me in a way it hasn't for a long time. If you're ever having a hard time working on a creative project, I recommend getting away somehow to just think, dream and draw. Maybe it's just to the local corner coffee shop, or a field in a nature preserve, or walking down your street, but something to get you out of your normal grind.
The quote written above my bead. Very inspirational first thing in the morning.
Here are some photos from the weekend! Chrissy, the lovely lady who hosted us has an equally lovely and welcoming home. We were so grateful to her for a great spot to allow us to work.
Discussing a sketch.
Morning coffee.
My work area.
Chrissy collects McCoy pottery, just like my mom!
Lake Michigan in winter is just surreal.
It was beautiful!
We made it there just in time for sunset.
There was a coating of ice over the sand.